1. (2) Packs of 12 HB pencils
2. ( 6) Erasers
3. (6) Glue sticks, 1 bottle of liquid Elmer’s glue.
4. (1) Pack of 24 wax crayons
5. (1) Pack of 16 washable markers (Crayola)
6. (2) Packs of 24 pencil colors
7. (2) Black sharpie markers
8. (1) Packs of size A4 printer paper
9. (1) Packs of construction paper assorted colors
10. (10) Plastic Duotangs: assorted colors
11. (2) Ziploc gallon bags: Large
12. Blunt tip 5″ scissor (metal)
13. (2) Rolls of paper towels
14. (6) Tissue boxes
15. (4)Hilroy exercise book – 1/2 plain 1/2 interlined
16. (4)Hilroy exercise book – dotted interlined.
17. Indoor footwear (i.e white soled running shoes) labeled please.
19. Hand sanitizer 1
20 . (1) Lysol wipes
21. (2) Highlighters
22. (2) Black dry erase markers with erasers
23. (2) Hilroy Exercise Book-dotted Interlined for Arabic.
24. 1 pack of tempera paint.
25. (2) pencil cases
26. 1 pack of Modeling clay.
27. 1 sketch book
28. 1 notebook (250 pages) coil binding. 9 inch x 6 inch (Found in Dollarama).
29. Extra clothes in case of any accident (spilling of any liquid).
30. The Holy Qur'an
1. (2) Packs of HB pencils i.e. (24 pencils)
2. (6) Erasers
3. (6) 100 pages Hilroy subject notebook (26.6 cm X 20.3 cm)
4. (2) Packs of 24 washable markers
5. (1) Pack of color pencils
6. (1) Black sharpie marker
7. (1) Packs of size A4 printer paper
8. (2) Packs of construction paper assorted colors
9. Duo tangs 4 red, 4 blue, 4 green, 4 orange, 4 yellow, 4 purple and 4 black
10.(2) Boxes of Ziploc gallon
11.Blunt tip 5″ scissor (metal)
12.(2) Tissue boxes/kleenex
13. Indoor footwear (i.e white soled running shoes) labeled pleas,
14. 2 Pack of LARGE Labels
15. 12″ Non Metal Ruler
16. 2 Packs of Loose Lined Paper
17. Ziploc Sandwich Bag (1)
18. 3 soft pencil cases
19. 2 large packages 3 holes
lined paper
20. Extra outfit in case of accidents.
21. The Holy Qur'an
1. (6) Duo Tangs Green, Red, Orange, white, pink and Blue
2. (2) Binders – 3-inch without zipper for assignments
3. (2) Dividers for ring binders
4. (2) Highlighters
5. HB pencils with erasers
6. White Erasers
7. Staedtler Sharpener with lid
8. (2) Pencil case
9. (4) Large glue stick
10. A clear plastic ruler– 30 cm/12 ″ (cm/inch)
11. Pkg. of 24 crayola pencil crayons (pre sharpened)
12. (1) Pack of 3-hole punched loose-leaf paper 400 sheets
13. (4) Packs of sticky notes
14. (1) Large ziplock bag
15. Pointed Scissors
16. (2) Tissue Boxes
17. Indoor footwear (i.e white soled running shoes) labeled please.
18. (2) Blue Pen
19. (4) Notebooks (Canada exercise book)
20. (4) Boxes of tissue paper
21. The Holy Qur'an
1.(40) HB pencils with eraser
2. (6) erasers
3. (1x)Red due tang ( Health)
4. (1x) Orange duo tang ( Social)
5.(1x) Green duo tang ( Science)
6. (1x) Yellow duo tang ( Math)
7. (1x) blue duo tang ( LA)
8 (1x) black duo tang ( Islamic studies)
9 (1x ) purple duo tang ( Morning work)
10. (1x ) gray duo tang ( Home work)
11(3) notebooks (any Color)for math,writing Journal and grammar
12.(2) Sharpie ultra fine tipped permanent marker – black
13 (2) hand held, plastic sharpener
14. 1) Pack of 3-hole punched loose-leaf paper 400 sheets.
15.-(4) 5 inch binder(without Zipper)for Homework and Class Work .
(2) 3-inch binder ( without zipper)
16. A box of pencil colors crayons
17. Pkg. of 24 Crayola pencil crayons (pre-sharpened)
18.. A box if 24 Crayola markers
19. One pack of name tags
20. (6) highlighters (assorted colors)
21. (2) bottles of white glue
22. (2) glue sticks
23.. (1) soft-grip, pointed, 5” scissors
24. (1) ruler (useable to measure cm and mm)
25. (5) Blue ball points
26. (1) Pkg. of centimeter grid paper
27. (1) pack of A4 size paper (For printing)
28. (8)Erasable White board marker
29. (6) boxes of tissue paper
39 (10) medium/ small ziplock bags
31. Indoor footwear (i.e. white soled running shoes) labeled, please.
32 The Holy Qur'an
1. Combination Lock
2. (5) Duo Tangs Green, Red, Orange and Blue
3. (4) Binders – 3- inch without zipper for assignments
4. (4) Dividers for ring binders
5. (2) Highlighters
6. 40 HB pencils with erasers
7. 6 White Erasers
8. Pencil Sharpeners Sturdy, hand-held with a container for shavings
9. (1) Pencil case
10. (2) Large glue sticks
11. A clear plastic ruler– 30 cm/12 ″ (cm/inch)
12. Pkg. of 24 crayola pencil crayons (pre sharpened)
13. (1) Packs of graph paper
14. (2) Pack of 3-hole punched loose-leaf lined paper 400 sheets
15. (4) Packs of sticky notes
16. (2) Packs of size A4 printer paper
17. (1) Large box of ziploc bag
18. Calculator
19. Geometry set
20. (2) Tissue Boxes
21. Indoor footwear (i.e white soled running shoes) labeled please.
22. (1) Oxford
23.4 dry erasable board markers
24. disposable plates and cups from the dollar store
25. The Holy Qur'an
GRADE 7, 8, and 9
1. Stapler 1
2. (5) Binders (1 inch without zipper for assignments)
3. (4) Dividers for ring binders
4. (2) Highlighters
5. HB pencils with erasers
6. White Erasers
7. Pencil sharpeners with enclosure for pencil shavings
8. (1) Pencil case
9. A clear plastic Ruler (cm/inch) – 30 cm/12″
10.(1) Pack of graph paper
11. Scientific Calculator (for grade 7,8, 9, 10)
12. (1) Pack of 3 hole punched loose leaf paper 400 sheets
13.(1) Geometry set
14. USB Memory stick
15. (4) Packs of sticky notes
16. (2) Packs of size A4 printer paper
17. Dictionary
18. Stapler (optional)
19. 1 large Ziploc bag
20. (10) Duo-tangs
21. (1) Scissor
22. Indoor footwear (i.e white soled running shoes) labeled please.
23. Graphing Calculator for grades 11 and 12( math 20-1, 30-1, 30-2)
24. Writer’s notebook for classwork.
25. 2 packs of recipe/index cards
26. 1 box of Kleenex/tissue
27. Box or set of pencil crayons
28. Box or set of coloured markers.
29. Glue stick
30. Container of hand sanitizer.
31. The Holy Qur'an